ELSU members will choose a minimum 10 committee members - Maximum 20, with 5 as a quorum for committee meetings. Responsibilities of each committee member are to be defined after their election, at the AGM, or after their subsequent nomination and election. The committee must meet regularly as well as host regular meetings with the broader membership and provide regular updates for all members.
Essential committee positions are:
Members should not usually hold more than one of these positions. The committee must
ensure that elections for the above positions are carried out fairly and democratically and in
the event of a committee member stepping down, must facilitate timely by-elections.
Proper financial records must be maintained, which includes non-audited accounts returned
quarterly and audited accounts returned annually; the Union should ensure that it elects
auditors, usually at the same time as its committee officers.
The entire committee must be dissolved and re-elected at each AGM. New membership,
changing roles and responsibilities is to be actively encouraged but is not obligatory. The
Union structure and practices must be ones in which encourage members to get involved
and have their say. Representatives from each school are encouraged to regularly attend
meetings. We ask that the schools and the government actively support and encourage
union participation among the national student body, understanding that an ever-improving
student experience is a common goal for everyone.
Union organisation and practices must allow for membership participation, democracy and a
sense of ownership of the Union. An inclusive, vibrant union life will increase participation
and agency, with members having a direct influence over decision making thereby making
the Union directly relevant to them. Strong membership participation in meetings, with a
focus on equalities, will ensure that members are active in the community, assisting in
building, as well as defending ELSU across the island of Ireland and internationally.
In cases of dispute, grievance and discipline it is an aspiration of the Union that committee
members take responsibility in providing representation including at appeal hearings. All
members of the Union have an obligation to promote equal opportunities and tolerance
inside and outside their schools and workplaces. Taking action to stamp out sexism, racism,
classism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination, without putting themselves or
others in needless danger.
The Union should play a part in the broader student and labour movement locally and internationally, including affiliating with general unions such as USI, SIPTU and Unite.